Monday, March 28, 2011


It's the little things in life that bring enormous joy!
A prayer, unimportant to anyone but you, suddenly out of nowhere, answered so that you know you are being looked after and not alone with life's problems, gives immeasurable joy.
When you ask for a kiss but also get a hug or when someone squeezes you tightly, meaningfully, as if to say, I am here for you, these make life livable and joyful.
Smiles that burst with love when you walk into the room, well, that makes my day.
Hearing one of my children saying or texting "Mom" gives me that comforting joy that I am still wanted and needed.
The cup of coffee that I get every morning that allows me to stay under the covers, that's my cup of joy and I am grateful for it.
No matter what life hands you, it is a choice to seek out the little things in life, for that is where you will find true joy!

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