Monday, February 27, 2012

She's growing up!

Oh, my she is growing up. She ordered cream of crab soup!

And ate it with nary a spill!

She loves to go shopping with her Mom and Me!

She's learning to use safety scissors and glue!

She is pretty fearless!

And climbs on everything!

She's still an acorn though

and still a baby in many ways...

It is amazing watching her grow

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Future ski bunny

Ah, there's nothing like fresh powder!

I'd better start practicing my ski form!

Since I know I'm a snow bunny!

What form!

Ok, mountain, here I come!

Oh yes, bended knee!

I'm gonna be sooo good!

But for now, I'll have to walk this slope@!


Tegan scored some balloons from a jeweler at the mall!

Tegan at the wheel!

Monday, February 6, 2012

Ronald McDonald

Talk to me Ronald!

I wonder if he'll bite me?

Chillaxing with the Ronald!

The bouncy place


But here's the sport I want to play!

But I can decide all that later!
For now, I'm just going to bounce!