Monday, February 28, 2011

In His hands

I gave my will over to God today
My life is now in His hands
I gave all my worries and all of my cares
Surrendered completely to His plans

Content shall I be with whatever I’m given
Let me focus on the good that I have
No heavy hearted worry for this old gal
Just a grateful smile and a laugh

Yes, I turned it all over to God today
Unloaded each burden with glee
I’m sure that I’m safe in his capable hands
For I know how much he truly loves me

hard weekend

Tegan is really sick and cranky

Laying down with her dolls.

Running a high fever all weekend.

I just want her to feel better!

The doctor called and she has a bladder infection.
After antibiotics she is feeling better!

After a hard weekend of fevers, she crawls into MomMom and PopPop's bed and crashes!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Sickie poo

I sick today...

Had to go to the doctors cuz I had a fever...

It's just no fun :(

Hit me with your best shot!

Got another shot today...

Most babies scream, cry and turn bright red!

I don't even flinch! I'm wonder baby!


I love rolling around on the floor!

I feel like a little carrot!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

It's cinderella

Tegan is wearing her Disney princess dress

New toys!

Thank goodness for tax money
because Daddy got me some presents!

Oh my, you didn't!

Woody from toy story and Belle from Beauty and the Beast, my favorite characters!

Yea! They like each other!

I love my Woody and Belle!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Elmo cuteness

big news

Guess what everybody! I cut my first tooth!

Right here up top!

It's kind of hard to get used to...

yea, it's still there!

Hey, you know what this means?

I'll be able to sit at the table and eat real food with everyone else!

Come on meatloaf! Chicken parmesian! Baked ziti!

I am a happy guy!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Not so sure

Don't worry Sawyer, I will teach you how to roll the ball and everything!

Oh no! Everything?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sawyer has the floor

I spend alot of time on the floor now.

I think I'm supposed to learn how to crawl!

To me, my mode of transport is much faster!

I just roll to whereever I want to go!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Lubby Dub

Catch phrases!

My mommy says I can't
have this pencil!

I say, finder's keepers,
Loser's weepers!

She's going to have to
come and get it!

Catch me if you can!

Ha ha ha ha! Mommy is a slow poke!

I love when Mommy chases me!

Chase me again!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Tegan opens Her gifts and Sawyers!

Tegan, what did I get?

Cute dolls!

Hmmmm, the lollipop or the chocolate?

I'll go with the lollipop!

I love my new toys. I like Valentines Day alot but...

How come I didn't get any candy?