Welcome to my journey all who enter here.
I have started a blog so that all can read about and see pictures of my adorable granddaughter, Tegan, as well as my entire family. I have to say that, being a grandmother is such a joyous experience and I am so thankful to my daughter for having her! I can speak for my husband, Bryan, as well, because having Tegan with us has brought us unspeakable joy and laughter. We are like two kids in a candy store every minute we get to spend with her. Oh, yes, and we can dote! There's not a burp, toot, smile, feat or face that we don't ooh and ahh over. Why is having a grandchild so different from my own children? I honestly don't know. I loved and nurtured my babies like mad, but somehow this little girl has turned me into an obsessive, lunatic crazy woman, squealing and clapping and singing and raspberrying 24/7! Every day is a journey. Every day I laugh. Everyday I thank The Lord for my children and my grandchild. I am a happy girl!